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    超市 ( 1974 )


    分 类: 电影 类型: 剧情/动作/犯罪

    国 家: 西德

    主 演: CharlyWierczejewski/埃娃·马特斯/迈克尔·德根/WalterKohut/汉斯-迈克尔·雷伯格

    清晰度: 1080P 视频: AVC, 23.976fps, 16:9

    大 小: 44.88GB 片长:

    字 幕: 英语/德语

    音 频:

    英语, 1.0声道, DTS-HDMA, 48KHz
    德语, 2.0声道, AC3, 48KHz, 224Kbps
    意大利语, 1.0声道, DTS-HDMA, 48KHz

    标 签: 原盘

    人 气: 2 更新: 2024-01-25

The young delinquent in this bleak crime drama becomes more deeply involved in crime as the movie progresses. At first, he is picked by the police as one of a number of suspects in a supermarket heist. When he escapes from the police station, he looks up a journalist who is doing an article on criminal youths but tires of being exploited for story material. He then seeks shelter with a wealthy homosexual, but when the man threatens to turn him in, he kills him. Now seriously in trouble, nothing he can do helps his situation much. 更多介绍......
