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    黑暗之日 ( 2018 )

    La Grande Noirceur

    分 类: 电影 类型: 剧情/历史

    国 家: 加拿大

    主 演: 莎拉·加顿/科迪·费恩/卢泽·特沃斯基/罗曼·杜里斯/勒达·卡代布/巴迪·杜瑞斯/斯蒂芬妮·索科琳斯基/MartinDubreuil/利斯·罗伊/EdenSela

    清晰度: 1080P 视频: AVC, 24.000fps, 16:9

    大 小: 20.08GB 片长:

    字 幕: 英语/法语

    音 频:

    法语, 5.1声道, AC3, 48KHz, 448Kbps

    标 签: 原盘

    人 气: 0 更新: 2020-10-06

While a world war rages, Philippe, a draft-dodger from Quebec, takes refuge in the American West, surviving by competing in Charlie Chaplin impersonation contests. As Philippe makes his long journey home, he encounters various characters under the sway of a destructive madness borne of the chaotic times. His voyage, both violent and fascinating, is a hallucinatory initiation to the darker side of the American dream. 更多介绍......
