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    巴克·罗杰斯在25世纪 第一季【原盘剧集】 ( 1979 )

    Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Season 1 五碟 蓝光原盘 注意:请使用带有蓝光导航的播放机播放,如芝杜系列(本店有售),电视剧原盘要用导航来选剧集,普通安卓机无法正确识别分集,请慎选!

    分 类: 电视剧 类型: 科幻/冒险

    国 家: 美国

    主 演: GilGerard/ErinGray/FelixSilla

    清晰度: 1080P 视频: AVC, 23.976fps, 16:9

    大 小: 222.23GB 片长:

    字 幕:

    音 频:

    英语, 2.0声道, LPCM, 48KHz, 1536Kbps

    标 签: 原盘/原盘剧集/剧集

    人 气: 0 更新: 2021-11-22

Before watching Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, can I make a suggestion? Deposit your brain in another room, sit down and enjoy a fantastic fun-filled show. 
  Gil Gerard (with a straight face) played Buck Rogers who was a man 500 years out of time. He awoke in the 25th century to battle evil, mainly the Draconians. He met other villains along the way. Joining him was an annoying (but loveable) robot called Twiki and the sexy Wilma Deering (played by Erin Gray). 
  Fans of Flash Gordon will enjoy this. It's camp, it's tongue in cheek and it's got everything a sci-fi fan will want. Forget painfully average shows like Star Trek:Voyager and check out this show full of action, drama and most importantly beautiful women. 更多介绍......
